TotalEnergies Digital Factory vacancy search engine

Welcome to the Career Site of TotalEnergies Digital Factory


Think you know everything about TotalEnergies?

Think you know everything about TotalEnergies?
You’ll be surprised!

Did you know that TotalEnergies is a broad-energy Company?
Oil, gas, solar, wind are the necessary resources to produce and distribute not only fuels, but also natural gas and low-carbon electricity.

We are explorers, refiners, chemists, battery manufacturers, marketers, ... and all the employees share a common conviction: digital is a key lever for innovation and value creation for our businesses. It is also an essential asset for achieving our carbon neutrality (NetZero) climate ambition by 2050.

This is why we have created a dedicated entity, TotalEnergies Digital Factory. Its mission?

  • Deliver”: by creating tailor-made digital solutions;
  • Accelerate”: by being agile and delivering digital solutions at scale for our sites all over the world
  • Transform”: by being a catalyst to accelerate TotalEnergies's digital transformation.

Developers, Data scientists, Technical Leaders...more than 300 experts gather in the heart of Paris to fulfill this mission.

We are waiting for you to be part of the adventure!


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